Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gotta love it

So as I should have expected... Being that its the military that owns us... Plans have changed. We are not going to Malmstrom. Which is both bad and good. However we don't know where we are going so I'm not sure which end it's on. I will make the best of it though either way. I just might gripe a bit first lol. Well just wanted to update you on that.
PS don't have a heart attack over hearing from me so soon :). See y'all next Thursday!

I'm here... Again!

I know... It's a small miracle. I've been gone for only 15 days this time! And dundadadaah I've finally thought to download the Blogger Droid app! So hopefully you will be seeing updates from me more often! I am going home to Missouri the 4th to be followed by Brandon in the days following Brandon's grad around the 20th. We are hoping to get a Ford Edge before I leave, but that is looking more and more unlikely so my mom will be coming down to help me transport all the stuff I have accumulated. I <3 my mama dearly I don't know what I'm gonna do when I am in Montana and she is in Texas... Oh I didn't mention that did I? My mom is getting ready to move to Texas in October and get remarried in April! Yep yep and I get to help plan which I love but is very precarious on the top of my to do list. But I will succeed even if other things take a back seat for awhile. So I'm very eager to open This Love Creations, my new business I mentioned last post! I have so many ideas! I also gave made a vow to be a new me starting in Montana! I'm going to go greener, be more organized, meet my goal weight by next summer which means regular fitness and eating healthy, and get this business started. And I have decided to set two days a week to blog. This blog will be Thursday's This Love Creations blog will be Tuesday's here is a link to that one: and my facebook for it is up but it's still in construction and nothing too exciting is up yet. So I'll post that link down the road... I do have a ton more to talk about that concerns the green and organized aspects of afore mentioned vow but I'm gonna save that for next week :) see you then :).

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I'm a slacker!

I know I haven't written in... well forever! Shame on me! So since I posted last I did indeed move to San Antonio. I am living out of a one bedroom suite, which is not that great but I think I'd almost live out of a cardboard box to be close to him... almost lol. My sister was here last week and we took in a lot of sights. I like to randomly explore on my own because there is so much here! I won't however miss where I'm staying =/ things keep breaking and sometimes people get into very noisy fights right outside... but luckily it's decently safe and it's decently affordable. We got our next base assigment. Malmstrom AFB in Montana. Cold, brutal winters fun fun... but good news is that Brandon is very unlikely to deploy while we are there which is a huge bonus! I've got my hands in a lot of things and can't seem to stop lol. I plan on opening a FB & etsy store at the beginning of 2012 sometime. I shrugged it off for awhile buuuut I just can't get rid of the idea it's really sunk it's claws in. Well that is all for now. I'll try to update more often =)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I know, I know!

I haven't been on in forever. Sorry. SO I went to Graduation... and it was amazing!I got heat stroke and my little girl has been a brat since then (She was not happy about all the car time, or the heat, or anything really EXCEPT seeing daddy) BUT it was soooooooooo worth it. The tap out hug at the coin ceremony OMG I cried and the feeling... oh my the feeling... I can't even express it. I wish I'd gotten a photo. One of the first things my husband said to me was did you get shorter LOL! Nooo I did not.
So news: I will be moving to Texas till September after that not a clue yet. I will be without a computer =( But you will here from me as much as possible! I've handed my support page into what I hope is very capable hands for the duration of my computerless stay.
To tell the truth I am SO nervous to start this new life... I thought I was ready and I was so happy, and I still am somewhat but I'm getting nervous about being ALL ALONE! 2 weeks after we get there bran will be off to Camp Bullis for 3 weeks (it's like a deployment training course) we will manage we always do... but still I'm starting to feel that panicky ache in my chest.
Well I will keep you updated.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


er... Catch up...
I got my post-BEAST call on Monday last week, believe me there was tears shed over that fact. His Flight got BEAST Excellence though =D! Haven't heard from him yet since but that is good news. Means he wasn't recycled back and passed all the 7th week tests which I knew he would =D! Fabulous news if I ever heard any. So I only have the rest of today and tomorrow to get through before we leave! Then only 2 days of traveling and a wake up before I see him! His flight did not get warrior flight, another flight has already called home with that news. A little sad about that but it's okay no matter what I am so proud of him and even though Sunday pass would be nice just spending time with him is enough no matter where it is!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

In my time away...

So my avid readers ( if I have any), I apologize for my blogging absence. I was leaving my finger prints on Facebook. =D I started a new online business, in hopes to make a little extra money since my pocket book is screaming. if your interested. This last week was BEAST week and my husband got Marksman the week before. No post-BEAST week call yet but I'm waiting for it anxiously. This coming week will be the final PT test and I will be praying (and hop you'll join in) that he'll pass it without trouble. I'm going to assume he will be graduating on time =D. which means 10 days till we leave and 11 & a wake up till I see him.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Where it resides

Stress. One harsh word that bogs down my mind and makes my heart heavy. My husband being gone has of course caused a certain amount of stress but it has been good for us too so that's not as bad as the fact my car (only car) has been in the shop for more then a month! Then there is the In-laws who I am wanting to strangle by this point (not my MIL she is awesome). Then problems with getting me listed as a spouse has caused issues so money is tight... I feel like I'm drowning in stress! The worst thing is I try to limit how much I say to my husband to not cause him extra stress and it's killing me because I tell him EVERYTHING usually. It is so hard to keep my mouth shut. Ok I'm done ranting... hope you all have an amazing day! Toodles.